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  • Writer's pictureDee Brissett


Hello. It's me, Dee. I am writing this post with hopes that it'll be the therapy I need to keep my sanity in check. Don't worry... I'm fine. The kids are fine. My marriage is fine. Honestly , everything is fine and life is good! But for some reason I don't feel like I'm fine. Today I am feeling moody or down but I just do not know why... Can you relate and how is this possible? I haven't exactly figured it out yet but I do know I have a lot to be thankful for. And yet, I don't feel as fine as I think I should. At this point, I'm not even sure if anyone in the world is truly fine. People are really going through it right now...

How are you today?


"How are you?" This is such a polite question to ask. Often times when people ask each other how they're doing no one expects a long explanation or the truth about how someone is really doing. We often times expect a quick "I'm fine" or "I'm okay" or "good" and if you're lucky they'll respond with an "and how are you?" But what if they're not doing so good? What if they need someone to talk to or genuinely wanted to be there for you and you hid how you're really doing? Is it too late to change your answer?

Now, you're in a position where you either have to...

a) suck it up to be there for others while possibly deeply drowning in your sorrows

b) avoid feelings and how you're doing at all cost

I started today with option B (avoiding feelings and how I'm doing at all cost). But then the feeling of being fine but not really grew bigger and bigger and before I knew it I noticed I wasn't as fine as I initially said or thought I was. So there's your answer. It is never too late to change your answer! Always own up to your feelings so you can first be there for yourself so you can then for be there for others.

In my last blog post "Pandemic Parenting" I gave you guys advice that is tried and true. I shared three tips to deal with the stresses of being a parent in these times. Check it out if you haven't already because it really goes for anyone and you don't have to be a parent.


Today, I'm simply giving you advice about dealing with stresses as a person. I am proof that finding your therapy really does work. As a black woman in society I constantly feel the pressure to do it all, be it all, and to not break because black women are everything but WEAK. We used to be the type to not talk feelings but that day is long gone and feelings are important and worthy in every discussion. I'm your reminder that whoever you are and whatever your accomplishments are in life, it is okay to not be okay all the time. Life can be exhausting and that is okay. Allow yourself moments of weakness so you can be a stronger person moving forward. Allow yourself to be human because you are human. Allow yourself to take the weight off of everyday expectations so you can rest your wellness for whatever is waiting for you next. YOU ARE IRREPLACEABLE and your loved ones are counting on you to BE YOU!

I am so grateful for this creative outlet where I can write my thoughts down to assess how I'm doing or feeling. Without it, this pandemic alone would get the best fo me every time. It truly is therapeutic for me and I am feeling better as the words flow from my fingertips to your devices. Comment to let me know what works for you. Don't forget to answer my question so I can know how you're doing. For you, I'd choose option A all day every day!

If you enjoyed this post and want to see more, SUBSCRIBE & check out my YOUTUBE CHANNEL (DEE AND FAM- ) to see what I'm up to between my blog posts. SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you haven't already. Don't forget to SHARE my posts & videos with everyone you know!



50 views4 comments


Dee Brissett
Dee Brissett
Feb 19, 2021

Yes!!! That's amazing!! I hope everyone takes from this the points you mentioned. Being vulnerable will definitely allow you to speak your truth and the moment the words start flowing the weight gets lighter and there's almost an instant relief ! It's so therapeutic..


Feb 19, 2021

This piece is so true, it's always just easier to say I'm fine, I'm good, we do it without give it a second thought because it just keep things moving. It takes a lot of guts to say I'm not good, I'm having a tough day, I'm struggling, I need help, I want to talk because you don't want to burden the other person who really wasn't expecting anything other than I'm good with having to listen to our troubles. Who knows what they are dealing with themselves? Will they even care? Will they know how to respond? So to save everyone the awkwardness let's just keep it moving with I'm fine!

I'm the queen of I'm fine but throughout…


Dee Brissett
Dee Brissett
Feb 18, 2021

I couldn't agree more! Thanks sissy for the continuous support. I don't know what I'd do without you by my side ♥️


Feb 18, 2021

I love this post as it rings true, especially at a time like this....its okay to not be okay. Talking through it is necessary and therapeutic. Love you sissy and I'm a proud big sis!

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