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  • Writer's pictureDee Brissett

A THRIVING VIRTUAL LEARNING SERIES | Community, Movement & Music Resources

Hey guys! Welcome back to A Thriving Virtual Learning Series where I share my tried and true educational resources to help level up your virtual learning experience. Previously we covered educational, reading and writing resources to support your virtual learner. We also touched on the importance of STEM and the resources that have worked for our family. Today's post is the last of this four part series and I am so excited to share more on this so let's get to it!


During this pandemic my daughters have asked us more times than we can count "when can we play with our friends? Why can't we go to the Early Years? Is the park open yet? Is the virus gone?" The questions don't stop there but I'm sure you can get an idea of the types of questions that were asked.

As parents, we all try our best but we barely know how to answer those questions because we simply do not know. No one seems to really know... After all, these are uncertain times and the baby books most of you read never predicted a maneuver for times like this. I never read those books. From my experience working closely with children and their families, for over ten years, parenting is a trial and error process that is unique for each child. So basically each child is different and they should be treated as such.


As many of you know, we live in Canada. The Greater Toronto Area to be exact and if there's one thing you need to know about us GTA parents is that the EarlyOn and EarlyYears Centres are where it's at! These places are where you go to find other parents/caregivers and children to build friendships with and resources to help with whatever stage of parenting you need assistance with.


The sense of community was shattered and it was on us as parents to stay connected. So here are our two favourite community resources that have gone above and beyond to provide that virtual community involvement and connection we all longed for.

MNS provides community resources and programs for families. They have been there for our family for years! I started taking my oldest to MNS when she was only a few months old. Some of the staff has literally watched my daughters grow from infants to young girls and I am so thankful for that. During the pandemic I initially thought we'd never get to see those familiar faces again or participate in the drop-in programs they had to offer. Boy was I wrong because they went virtual in order to be there for us all in such challenging times.


I was over the moon with excitement when I found out they went virtual! I've always loved MNS because they are the BEST at helping my girls stay moving and they're simply just a breath of fresh air. I've met some of my best friends there and my daughters have met some of their best friends there too! Our favourite program is the Move & Groove program because I am in desperate need of assistance in the energy department haha! Please tell me I'm not alone on this, leave a comment to let me know!


Like MNS, BridgeWay is here to offer support and resources to families and children in the GTA and has been there for us for years also. We really enjoy the Online Preschool Time and the Online Family Time. These programs offer the same experience as we were used to except it was virtual. Something that really brings us joy is the BridgeWay Cooks program where they provide a complete meal kit where we can cook healthy recipes together as a family alongside the staff of BridgeWay and a certified nutritionist. I like to consider this our family date night experience and our opportunity to try new things together.

Both organizations have a great mission to serve their communities with respect to diversity and inclusion. I highly recommend them if you're in search of a healthy and safe community environment from the safety of your own home.


That brings us to movement. While the programs they offer are amazing and there's something for pretty much everyone, my daughters still have a lot of energy and I was on the search for more ways to keep them moving. So here are some movement resources we absolutely love!

My daughter's teacher recommended videos from each of the previously mentioned YouTube channels as a movement break resource. I was blown away to say the least and we instantly fell in love! These channels offer a variety of videos designed to get your kids moving. They have dancing videos, exercise videos, stretching, meditation videos and so much more.

Why is movement important?

As a parent, I enjoy watching the girls when they get moving simply because I know its good for their bodies and their minds. Honestly, movement just makes them happy. I also enjoy participating with them while I physically can. Whatever it takes to keep up with them I'm open to trying and I'm so so so glad we came across these popular YouTube channels. Movement is not only important for our littles but also for ourselves!


Last but certainly not least we found The Teeny Tinys which is a children's initiative tailored around music to help bring positivity and promote healthy relationships with ourselves and each other. Aria, the founder, has a voice like no other and one that deserves to be heard in every home around the world. I'm not exaggerating!

Why The Teeny Tinys?

From their virtual programs we have fallen back in love with music and I am forever grateful for that! We've participated in a number of free Instagram Lives and Zoom music classes which we happily paid for. What I love most about The Teeny Tinys isn't just the music and the talented voices but the humble and good vibes you're guaranteed every time! Aria has a friend named Gratitude who often asks the children "what are you thankful for?"

I'm here to tell you all that I am thankful for all the resources that are available for my family which is why I wanted to share these with you in this four part series. Virtual learning doesn't have to be a nightmare. Staying home to stay safe and do our part to end this pandemic isn't an easy decision but it definitely has been the best one. Look at how far we've come!

In the last year I have been blown away by what these organizations and YouTube channels have to offer. Regardless where you live, these resources are here for you and the littles. Take some time to check out all their websites and social media accounts which have been linked throughout this post. Thank you so much for taking the time to be here with me! Please leave a comment to let me know if you found this helpful. I can't wait to keep this going in the comments! Don't forget to let me know what you are thankful for...

If you enjoyed this post and want to see more SUBSCRIBE to the blog, follow me on Instagram @deeandfamofficial , SUBSCRIBE & check out my YOUTUBE CHANNEL (DEE AND FAM- ) to see what I'm up to between my blog posts. Don't forget to SHARE my posts & videos with everyone you know! LOVE, DEE (Your Virtual Learning Experience Expert)

27 views2 comments


Mar 26, 2021

Such cute pic of the girls. Great resources you provided.

Dee Brissett
Dee Brissett
Mar 26, 2021
Replying to

Thanks! I love this pic too!

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