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Writer's pictureDee Brissett


It's funny how opening up to people can help you see who you really are. In some cases, people may even trust to open up about themselves too. Who would've thought right, people still get to know each other?!

Sometimes through life, we all get those moments in time where we doubt our abilities. Sometimes, that can even make us question who we are... So, what do we usually do when we want to find out about someone? It's very simple, do some research on them. Research doesn't have to be something like a research paper, a full on background check, or a complete Google dive. It can be as simple as asking questions and getting a conversation going.

So ask yourself this, "who do you think you are?" Bold, huh?! I know! When we hear that, there's usually that moment of pause and we want to know, "who does this person think they are?!"

*Insert extreme side eye here. Please tell me I'm not alone on this one!

Enough messing with your mind for a second, now let's get into the research. We know what we want to find out, which is, what people think about us. To start, we will need to do an inventory on the people in our lives and consider if they have made a positive impact or a negative one. Then we will sort the positive impacts in our keeper bin while tossing the negative impacts with the let go bin. This is the tried and true source credibility check. I don't know about you guys but I'm definitely a keeper! As the old saying goes, you are the people you surround yourself with. How many of you have heard that saying before?

Once that's completed, you'll want to find out from them, who they really think you are. To your surprise, you might gather information in favour of you being a driven, inspirational, or humble person. On the other hand, you might gather information that really makes you question how well you are at managing yourself, if people are getting the wrong impression about who we are. But hang on a second, don't fold when you find out you aren't as amazing as you thought you were. Take that info and sort that out too, trust me! There's a bin for everything!

Let that sink in for a bit...

So we aren't exactly the model citizen. Let's find out what we think one is like. For example, this model citizen could be "organized". Organized people can be good people, right?! We would need to create a bin for that and all the other categories we might come up with too. Then we will need to find out what needs to be done to become just that. From here, we have an idea of who people think we are, what we think about these people, and lastly what we intend to do to change the direction of our story. These are now facts people, research done! You are officially an organizer now.

That brings us to the end of this blog post. So tell me, are they right? Are they right about what they think of you? Are you right about who you think you are? If not, what are you going to do to become the person you want to be? What type of people do you want to surround yourself with? Whatever the answers turn out to be, do just that. Or not, the reality is, no one can change you, only you can change you.

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Dee Brissett
Dee Brissett
Jan 18, 2020

It really is a bold question and I pretty much will always expect a bold answer from it. This is a hard topic to discuss but so worth it in the end. Especially when the answers work in your favour 😉


Jan 18, 2020

That's a bold question to's scary too. I know I'd be be afraid of the answer. I like the idea of sorting the answers. I do believe you are who your friends are...they are a reflection of you.

Good you something to think about!

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